【 產婦真實評價都在我們的FB粉絲團2.0 】2025-01-01
大家好, 媽咪貝比原本的 Facebook 粉絲團( 成立8年多, 粉絲數上千人 ) 於 2023/3/22 晚上出現故障, 無法閱讀跟使用。
我們當天已經反應給 Meta (臉書) , 但臉書至今仍未處理好 。
我們於2023年3月底重新建置一個新版Facebook粉絲團, 並邀請顧客們將評價po在貼文底下的留言處。
媽咪貝比到府坐月子粉絲團2.0 ( 請點擊下面連結 )
雖然粉絲人數需要重新累積, 但許多老顧客陸續來留言了, 並在她們的月嫂專頁貼文底下留言。
看到這麼多真誠的留言, 很慶幸我們這麼多年來完成許多圓滿的服務, 公司同仁跟月嫂團隊都非常感動。
粉絲團2.0 有一個新的優點, 我們把月嫂評價跟產婦留言全部集中在月嫂專頁貼文底下的留言處。
您可以一目了然這位月嫂過去的評價, 而且都是可以追溯貼文帳號的產婦真實評價。
有第三方( 仲介),甚至第四方 ( 職業工會 )的認同,是非常重要的。
因為這代表著月嫂的專業跟誠信受到驗證 ( 媽咪貝比的每一位月嫂都經過嚴謹的挑選跟長期累計評價 )。
因此,挑選好月嫂之外,也要挑選好仲介。值得信任的仲介 : 嚴謹、誠信、專業、務實不浮誇。
媽咪貝比到府坐月子粉絲團2.0 裡面每一篇都是用心的文章: 鼓勵月嫂、分享理念分享價值觀。希望我們的用心能被您看見。
媽咪貝比到府坐月子粉絲團 ( 舊版修復中 )
Discover the New Features of Our MamyBaby Fan Page 2.0!
Our updated fan page has a new advantage: all postpartum nanny reviews and feedback from mothers are now consolidated in the comment sections of individual nanny profile posts.
This allows you to easily view a nanny’s past evaluations, which are authentic testimonials traceable to the accounts of real mothers.
Finding the Right Postpartum Nanny
When selecting a high-quality nanny, consider more than just her qualifications, skills, experience, and reputation.
The recognition of third parties (e.g., agencies) or even fourth parties (e.g., professional associations) is equally crucial.
This recognition signifies the nanny’s verified professionalism and integrity. At MamyBaby, every nanny undergoes rigorous selection and has built a track record of consistently positive feedback over time.
Choosing the Right Agency
A reliable agency should embody thoroughness, integrity, professionalism, and practicality without exaggeration.
The effort an agency puts into its operations and understanding of nannies’ work can often be seen in the posts on their Facebook page.
At MamyBaby’s Postpartum Nanny Fan Page 2.0, every post is crafted with care—whether it’s encouraging our nannies, sharing our vision, or promoting our values. We hope our dedication shines through to you.